Organizing Tasks To Tackle For An Organized Fall Season

The first day of fall is September 23rd. There’s plenty to do to get your home ready for the
coming season. Whether you’re getting ready for mild temperatures, or a season of snow and cold weather, here are some tips for prepping for the fall season.

Get rid of anything you did not wear over the spring and summer.

This can be bathing suits, tank tops, sun dresses, etc. Look through your entire closet and drawers. To save time and maximize space, you should only have in-season clothes in your closet. Store out-of-season items in labeled bins and storage bags. If you live in the South where we wear shorts throughout the year, I suggest sticking to the same rule: if you haven’t worn it for a season, let it go!

Go to your kitchen and clean out anything that has expired.

This means a pantry and refrigerator. Plastic ware is an area that needs tackling every season. Think to-go containers, glass jars and extra plastic containers.

Declutter kid rooms and play areas.

Toys, outgrown clothes and all the little things kids collect should be purged if not used. Just this week, I worked with a mom going through her five and six-year-old children’s closets and toys.

Store away spring and summer decor throughout your home.
With the fall comes the holiday season. Do a purge of all summer items. With cooler weather, it is the perfect time to change out pillows and exterior summer decor. If you have younger kids this is a perfect time to clean and purge outdoor toys.

There is no better feeling than being able to walk into a neat and tidy space. Decluttering for the coming season makes a huge difference in your home. The busiest season of the year begins in November so tackle the clutter now to prepare for the coming season.

Have a great September!

Back To School

Back To School

Who’s ready to send the kiddos back to school? Summer flew by! My 20-year-old son starts his junior year at the University of Alabama—ROLL TIDE! I can’t believe he is already a junior.

Unlike elementary school and high school, you’ll need considerably more than just a pen and paper.

Dorm Room Must-Haves:

  • Shoe Organizer
  • Shower Caddy
  • Ottoman
  • Bedding
  • Lamp
  • Under-Bed Storage
  • First Aid Kit
  • Cleaning Supplies

School Supplies You Need For College:

  • Student Planner
  • Notebooks
  • Extra Paper
  • Pen/Pencils
  • Folders
  • Sticky Notes
  • Index Cards
  • Highlighter Pens

Starting a new school year and getting back into a routine can have its challenges. Adding these tasks to your daily schedule can help keep things moving smoothly.

  • Start Your Routine Early
  • Make A To-Do List
  • Eat Breakfast
  • Map Out Your Schedule
  • Plan Your Commute
  • Don’t Bust Your Budget
  • Work Ahead
  • Plan Study Hours Out
  • Have Fun!

Have a great 2023-2024 school year!


Letting Go of Sentimental Items & Decluttering

Getting Neat Blog - Getting rid of sentimental items

Letting Go of Sentimental Items & Decluttering

Are you wanting to make space in your home but find it difficult to let go of sentimental objects, don’t despair! There are ways to purge and declutter—loving and kind ways that respect your stories and your past.

Your memories live in your heart, not in your belongings. It’s just stuff. Have you ever heard this before?

We often hold on to stuff left to us by family members, even if there is no room or we don’t want it. Ask yourself—would your relatives want this stuff to weigh you down? You can love and remember your family without keeping their stuff.

Instead of hoarding items in boxes, display a few pieces throughout your home. Donate or give to family members or close friends.

I had a very difficult time letting go of my Mom’s stuff when she passed away. I gave things to family members, donated to a woman’s shelter and saved some.

● Create a memory box. Place some of your top memories in this box and revisit the box several times a year.
● Take photos of everything. Create a folder in your phone just for sentimental memories.
● How does this sentimental item make you feel? Sad, mad, anxious? Letting go could be a big step toward healing.

Remember we are not our stuff, we are more than our possessions. Our memories are within us, not within our things.

I don’t think sentimental things are bad! Not at all. If you want to get rid of an item, but the only reason you’re holding on to it is for sentimental reasons and if it’s weighing you down perhaps it’s time to let go. This doesn’t mean getting rid of everything. Purge and release things that are weighing you down.

Have a safe and happy July 4th.
Paige ❤

Getting Neat Blog - Getting rid of sentimental items

How To Get Your Garage Organized

Getting Neat - May Blog - Cleaning Garage1

How to Get Your Garage Organized

It’s very tempting to stash stuff you do not need in the garage-–from seasonal decorations to items used occasionally, to sports equipment and everything else! A garage is intended to park your vehicle, but for many people, it is a storage unit. So how do you get your garage neat and organized?

Schedule Regular Clean-Outs

Ask yourself, what’s here that doesn’t need to be here? Do this twice a year or more. Some items make sense to store in the garage; lawn equipment, outdoor gear, sports equipment and gardening items. Donate, trash, recycle or resell anything you are not using to free up what I call, “prime real estate areas”.

Utilize the space

Oftentimes, there isn’t a lot of storage space in garages, so go up! Leverage the walls and every vertical square inch so you can go up as high as you can. Utilize hooks, shelves, track systems and storage containers.


Just like we do when organizing a kitchen or pantry, we also put like-items together in a garage. This is the specific place for car gear, gardening, sports equipment, beach chairs, holiday decor, etc.

Storage Products

Use clear bins for everything. Make sure everything has a specific home so you know where your camping gear, fall decorations and gardening items are at all times. Always label everything! Having bins labeled saves time. Who wants to open container after container looking for beach supplies?
Happy May! I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend.
Paige ❤

Here’s how to take a vacation when you run a small business!

getting neat

For small business owners, taking a vacation where you don’t spend the whole vacation attached to your phone or computer may seem impossible. When you work for yourself, you can enjoy individual freedoms and flexibility. Entrepreneurs need to plan to get away and take time off.

As a professional organizer, my job is to help others get neat and organized! I often times work 60-plus hours a week. Running a business is an insane amount of pressure on your day-to-day life. Working with clients in their homes or business is very labor intensive. The business side of running Neat, social media, financials, marketing, advertising, consulting, shopping for supplies, etc.

So how can you make the time to decompress, relax, connect with others, travel and disconnect from your day-to-day workload? 

  • Budget in your own PTO.
  • Save weekly/monthly for vacation.
  • Work ahead on projects.
  • Delegate Task.
  • Plan ahead.

As a business owner, you are constantly thinking of ways to grow your business, create content and take your business to the next level. This kind of thinking can begin to wear on you if you don’t take breaks.

Benefits of taking a break:

  • Reboot your mind.
  • Reset your body.
  • Plan for the future and enjoy the present.
  • Give your business room to shine.
  • Vacation keeps you from burning out.
  • Gain a new perspective.
  • Take time for family and friends.
  • Finish personal projects.
  • Be more productive when you return.

I recently took a break and traveled. I spent time with my best friend and visited places on my bucket list. So much fun and laughter. I feel rejuvenated, rested, relaxed and ready for May.

Happy Spring!
Paige ❤

What is a mudroom? Why does it need to be organized?


A mudroom is a space in a home where people take off their shoes, outdoor clothing, backpacks, sports equipment and much more.

Typically mudrooms are secondary entrances, which some call a utility room. These are usually off the kitchen or garage. Mudrooms are not large rooms or spaces. Making the most of this space by creating storage is a must.

  • Coat Racks and Hooks
  • Shoe Racks
  • Open and Closed Storage
  • Bins, Baskets, and Containers for storage
  • Bench Seating

Not everyone has the space for a dedicated mudroom, even the smallest spaces can be turned into a mudroom.

In fact, all you need is a spare wall, ideally near the back or side entrance to your home. Check out these photos of mudrooms Neat has organized.

Spring Organizing


I completed this closet last week. If you’re wanting to organize your closet or any area of your home, follow these steps.

  1. Take everything out of the space, YES, everything.
  2. Clean, dust, mop, vacuum, etc. the space you are organizing.
  3. Declutter like crazy. It’s purge time!
  4. Put like items together.
  5. Label bins, baskets and organizers.
  6. Refill the space.
  7. Train yourself to put things back in their spot.

New habits don’t happen overnight but creating an organizing system makes it easier to maintain. If it seems overwhelming, start with one small project at a time. Follow these seven steps and you will really begin to make progress and have a freshly neat and tidy space.

@neatorganizing is my updated Facebook page. Follow along for more organizing tips.


Happy Two Years to NEAT!

Neat - Blog - Two Years

Get Organized and stay organized!

1. Take everything out of the space.
What if it’s a room and you can’t remove anything? Break it down to one area at a time. In the kitchen, for example, start with the refrigerator, then the cabinets, etc.

2. Declutter
If you don’t use it, haven’t worn it, it’s worn out, or have multiples, it’s time to go!

3. Clean the Space
Never return what you organize to an area that is dirty.

4. Put like items together
During the removal of items, separate like items into groups.

5. Bins, Baskets, Containers
Use organizing products to contain items.

6. Label
Label everything! This makes returning items to their proper home a no-brainer.

Get neat and organized in 2023!
There are health benefits to having an organized space! This makes you feel better all the way around. You know where things are, it can reduce stress and promote productivity, while allowing you to feel more in control and help you feel grounded in your own space.

I can’t wait to see what happens in 2023! Here’s to two incredible years of organizing. I love what I do!


Hello, 2023

Neat - Paige Message

What an incredible year for NEAT! I’m ending 2022 with gratitude.

I’m grateful for all the love and support from people in my circle who have built me up and supported me through life’s challenges, obstacles, celebrations and millstones.

I’m grateful for my family and friends.

I’m grateful for my clients and the people who support and believe in my work.

Thank you.

Gratitude is one of the easiest ways to find joy and appreciation. I’m working on practicing mindfulness and gratefulness daily in 2023. If your year was anything like mine, then maybe you can’t believe it’s already almost over. With all the obligations that come with life, it’s easy to get lost in the busy schedule of the day. I often have to remind myself to slow down and breathe. 

I’m ending this year by savoring life’s simple pleasures, from time with my son who’s home on break and spending time with my Daddy, who I don’t see as much as I would like, to sleeping later and catching up chatting with friends. When I slow down and permit myself to relax, I’m more open to new experiences and deeper connections.

Thank you for following NEAT. I have lots of new organizing projects heading your way. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks to keeping your home and space neat and tidy.

Happy New Year!



Unpacking and Organizing

NEAT unpacks and offers home setup services customizable to what you, our client, need. Our primary goal is to take the stress away from the moving process by getting you settled into your home quickly and customized to your needs.

Unpacking and Organizing
Day 1 – Kitchen and Pantry unpack and setup
Day 2 – Master Closet
Day 3 – Bathrooms, Laundry, Mud/Utility Closets
Day 4 – Kid’s Spaces.

Some clients hire NEAT for only the kitchen/pantry unpacking and setup. We strongly
recommend having us start in that space as it is the hub of the home and once the kitchen is operational you start feeling at home right.

If you are interested in having NEAT unpack and set up your home, please fill out our contact form and someone will call you to discuss the details.
