Are you wanting to make space in your home but find it difficult to let go of sentimental objects, don’t despair! There are ways to purge and declutter—loving and kind ways that respect your stories and your past.
Your memories live in your heart, not in your belongings. It’s just stuff. Have you ever heard this before?
We often hold on to stuff left to us by family members, even if there is no room or we don’t want it. Ask yourself—would your relatives want this stuff to weigh you down? You can love and remember your family without keeping their stuff.
Instead of hoarding items in boxes, display a few pieces throughout your home. Donate or give to family members or close friends.
I had a very difficult time letting go of my Mom’s stuff when she passed away. I gave things to family members, donated to a woman’s shelter and saved some.
● Create a memory box. Place some of your top memories in this box and revisit the box several times a year.
● Take photos of everything. Create a folder in your phone just for sentimental memories.
● How does this sentimental item make you feel? Sad, mad, anxious? Letting go could be a big step toward healing.
Remember we are not our stuff, we are more than our possessions. Our memories are within us, not within our things.
I don’t think sentimental things are bad! Not at all. If you want to get rid of an item, but the only reason you’re holding on to it is for sentimental reasons and if it’s weighing you down perhaps it’s time to let go. This doesn’t mean getting rid of everything. Purge and release things that are weighing you down.
Have a safe and happy July 4th.
Paige ❤
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