Organizing Tasks To Tackle For An Organized Fall Season

The first day of fall is September 23rd. There’s plenty to do to get your home ready for the
coming season. Whether you’re getting ready for mild temperatures, or a season of snow and cold weather, here are some tips for prepping for the fall season.

Get rid of anything you did not wear over the spring and summer.

This can be bathing suits, tank tops, sun dresses, etc. Look through your entire closet and drawers. To save time and maximize space, you should only have in-season clothes in your closet. Store out-of-season items in labeled bins and storage bags. If you live in the South where we wear shorts throughout the year, I suggest sticking to the same rule: if you haven’t worn it for a season, let it go!

Go to your kitchen and clean out anything that has expired.

This means a pantry and refrigerator. Plastic ware is an area that needs tackling every season. Think to-go containers, glass jars and extra plastic containers.

Declutter kid rooms and play areas.

Toys, outgrown clothes and all the little things kids collect should be purged if not used. Just this week, I worked with a mom going through her five and six-year-old children’s closets and toys.

Store away spring and summer decor throughout your home.
With the fall comes the holiday season. Do a purge of all summer items. With cooler weather, it is the perfect time to change out pillows and exterior summer decor. If you have younger kids this is a perfect time to clean and purge outdoor toys.

There is no better feeling than being able to walk into a neat and tidy space. Decluttering for the coming season makes a huge difference in your home. The busiest season of the year begins in November so tackle the clutter now to prepare for the coming season.

Have a great September!