Hello, 2023

Neat - Paige Message

What an incredible year for NEAT! I’m ending 2022 with gratitude.

I’m grateful for all the love and support from people in my circle who have built me up and supported me through life’s challenges, obstacles, celebrations and millstones.

I’m grateful for my family and friends.

I’m grateful for my clients and the people who support and believe in my work.

Thank you.

Gratitude is one of the easiest ways to find joy and appreciation. I’m working on practicing mindfulness and gratefulness daily in 2023. If your year was anything like mine, then maybe you can’t believe it’s already almost over. With all the obligations that come with life, it’s easy to get lost in the busy schedule of the day. I often have to remind myself to slow down and breathe. 

I’m ending this year by savoring life’s simple pleasures, from time with my son who’s home on break and spending time with my Daddy, who I don’t see as much as I would like, to sleeping later and catching up chatting with friends. When I slow down and permit myself to relax, I’m more open to new experiences and deeper connections.

Thank you for following NEAT. I have lots of new organizing projects heading your way. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks to keeping your home and space neat and tidy.

Happy New Year!



Unpacking and Organizing

NEAT unpacks and offers home setup services customizable to what you, our client, need. Our primary goal is to take the stress away from the moving process by getting you settled into your home quickly and customized to your needs.

Unpacking and Organizing
Day 1 – Kitchen and Pantry unpack and setup
Day 2 – Master Closet
Day 3 – Bathrooms, Laundry, Mud/Utility Closets
Day 4 – Kid’s Spaces.

Some clients hire NEAT for only the kitchen/pantry unpacking and setup. We strongly
recommend having us start in that space as it is the hub of the home and once the kitchen is operational you start feeling at home right.

If you are interested in having NEAT unpack and set up your home, please fill out our contact form and someone will call you to discuss the details.


Hello to the end of October!

Hello To The End of October!

Hello to the end of October! I hope everyone is doing great.

Next month will be two years since the idea of NEAT came to life! January 2023 will be NEAT’S two-year launch date.

Thank you so much for being a part of my journey, I love everything about organizing. In my opinion, I have the most incredible job.

I feel like I’m part therapist, interior designer and drill sergeant. There are some times when I feel like someone’s friend. I have formed some incredible memories and relationships, I’m literally in people’s underwear drawers, in their cabinets and in every space in between. I jump several levels of intimacy on day one!

So that means inherently, you have to have a high level of trust and respect, and the person has to really feel comfortable with you. There’s so much good word of mouth for this type of business. Someone brings you in and loves you, and then all of a sudden, they’re telling their friends. As my Daddy says, referrals are your best advertisement.

Thank you so much for the constant referrals and for my repeat clients.

What’s coming soon for NEAT?

  • Unpacking/Kitchen Organizing
  • Unpacking/Bathroom Organizing
  • Closet Organizing
  • Laundry Room Organizing
  • Teen Bathroom Organizing
  • Two-Car Garage Organizing
  • Maintenance for a home I reset monthly
  • Boy’s Room and Closet Organizing

Follow NEAT on Instagram @neatwithpaige for more updates.

Have a great week and thank you for following along with Neat.

Paige ❤️

Fall is in the air! My favorite time of the year

Fall is in the air! My favorite time of the year. With Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, let the decorating begin.

Can you decorate around clutter?

Should you be organized to add holiday decor around your home?

You can’t pay attention to detail without being organized.

Before you start decorating, do these five things.

  1. Clean~Dust, vacuum, mop.
  2. Stick with one color. Even if you don’t have many decorations, all colors can quickly make everything feel cluttered and messy.
  3. Swap decor! Instead of adding extra clutter, put away your year-round decorations before adding pumpkins, turkeys and Christmas decorations.
  4. Swap out worn-out decorations for less or add a new treasure to your holiday decor.
  5. ENJOY the decorations, and enjoy the fall. Take time for yourself and your family.

Happy Fall!


Happy End of August!

Happy End of August. This year has flown by. I hope everyone who started school is adjusting to a new year, new school, classroom, teachers… My son started his second year at the University of Alabama, Roll Tide! Very proud of him. No matter where you are in life, your surroundings may change but they don’t have to stay the same.

Declutter your surroundings and your circle!

•Looking around in a messy room can be a reminder of a long to-do list, unfinished tasks, or, in general, can make moving around and finding things one needs more difficult.

Declutter & Organize your environment⭐️

•If we surround ourselves with people who are successful, who are forward-moving, who are positive, who are focused on producing results and who support us, it will challenge us to be more, do more and share more.

“If you can surround yourself with people who will never let you settle for less than you can be, you have the greatest gift that anyone can hope for.” – Tony Robbins

Declutter your circle and whom you surround yourself with!


An organized life IS possible

An organized life is possible, even if you only feel like you’re making a little progress at a time. Some of us have a brain that works in ways that make these skills more difficult to learn and practice. At times, we can be in life situations that make it difficult to implement systems for a successful organization. But even with those challenges, we can do little things every day to find inner calm and outer order.

Being organized is really important in a fast-paced life when we have no time to deal with clutter. Whether it’s physical or emotional clutter, it tends to make you frustrated and can even cause sadness and depression. It’s difficult to make dramatic changes when we’ve spent a long time in an unorganized mess. That’s why I believe it’s SO important to do these things:

  • Let go of our old ideas of what MUST be done every day.
  • Determine and prioritize our important things — even if it’s just ONE thing per day like an extra 10 minutes of decluttering our own space OR an activity to improve our family life.
  • Build daily routines and habits that are simple and adaptable.
  • Recognize that getting organized is a lengthy process — and that is TOTALLY NORMAL.
  • Take time 30 minutes a day for 30 days to organize and watch how the clutter begins to lift.

Happy July. I hope you have a fantastic month and get your clutter, uncluttered.


It’s all in the details

A professional organizer’s job is to help you clarify what you want to accomplish! They help you develop and implement a plan to get from your current state to your desired improved state. Professional organizers will never tell you to make a particular change. On the contrary, they will help you see logical options for improvement and then assist with developing systems to implement the action you choose.

It’s all in the details. Organizing is so much more than you think! Hours of work go into creating a functional space for homeowners. It involved removing, deciding what stays, what goes or what relocates. Storage containers that flow with each space take time and focus! Details are very important when organizing. I like to create unique spaces for each client. I love what I do! Thank YOU for following NEAT and thank you to the people who allow me to work in their homes.


Spring Organizing

Spring Organizing

Spring cleaning is a bit overrated! Yes, I said it! However, spring organizing sparks joy. When it comes to organizing, it’s important to be more mindful about the items you have to create order in your home to benefit you, your space and your life! I suggest taking on the “easier” organizing projects to jump-start an overall household organization plan. Tackle these small organizing tasks to set yourself up for spring organizing success!


We all know our closets are a hot spot for items to be stored. Over time, closets can become stacked with clothing and unused items that can begin to cause havoc if not properly organized and stored. Organizing your closet often involves asking yourself the hard question “Is this worth keeping?” to get your project moving along. Focus on keeping items that serve you in more ways than one. Then, figure out how much space you’re willing to dedicate to this item to keep it. You’ll soon find out you don’t need it as much as you thought!

Bathroom Drawers

Bathroom drawers sometimes end up as a miscellaneous item spot if you’re not aware of where you’re placing your things. Cluttered bathroom drawers can take away from an area that serves as a space for you to practice self-care, fundamental hygienic function and a place for you to relax and recharge. This momentary space of solitude can soon turn into a place of disorder. Start with removing any items that don’t belong in your bathroom, then begin to navigate through the items that should be there by finding a home for each item to go to after being used. Utilizing clear bins for storage can help you find what you need quickly while keeping everything in its place.


Most cabinets hold more items than you need to keep your kitchen functioning properly. Starting with removing items you no longer use in the kitchen can help aid in cabinet organization. Clean out your cabinets and decide what should stay, then begin to organize like items together to distinguish how much you have of each to find the proper home in your kitchen. Round storage organizers, vertical containers, cabinet dividers and more are beneficial to keeping things in place in the long run.

Kids Spaces

Kids’ toys can accumulate at a profuse rate leaving your space in an overwhelming state of not knowing where to start. Decluttering is essential to organizing a space designated for your kids. Working with your kids on this project CAN be fun while creating a healthier area for them to spend their time. Consider color-coordinating certain items or even determining which items are for keeping and which ones will be donated. By doing this, you’re creating an environment for them to thrive in while providing an example of how to keep your items orderly. Using organization containers, bins and shelving is a sure way to keep things in order.


Your pantry is another area in your home that can accumulate unused items or expired food
products over time. This leaves your pantry in disarray, keeping you from seeing the foods that need to be used sooner than later with expiration dates. Start with wiping your pantry clean, removing any expired food items and organizing your pantry into categories. Utilizing bins and baskets can keep your pantry in tip-top shape while allowing you to have a designated spot for that food item.

When it comes to spring organizing, it doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Especially when you have NEAT solutions to help reorganize your home. We operate in any room of your house to make it more functional and aesthetically pleasing. Contact us today!

January 2022

Happy New Year!

When you hear Professional Organizer you may think of reality tv. I think some think this job is all about pretty closet’s and pantries. Often it is but more often it is not.

“This will be the year when I will finally face the garage and its contents! I will fully overhaul my closet, and let go of all those clothes that I no longer fit into! While  I’m at it, I will spruce up my home office with shelves  and a filing system!”

If that sounds like you, and you’re ready to break the cycle of planning and failing to get your life in order this year, it might be time to bring in NEAT!

Over & over I see the transformation of a clients mental clarity when a space is decluttered and organized.



December is a month of celebration and end of year to-do’s.

  • Make charitable contributions. Even if they are no longer tax deductible for your tax situation (they still count for some people), the charities you support could use the funds to close out their year.
  • Drop off clothing donations and start out the year with a more organized closet.
  • Discard unused Christmas and holiday decorations. Don’t keep and store them if you didn’t use them this year!
  • Set aside time for business planning. If you run a business, look at your finances, settle your accounts and celebrate your wins! But most importantly, you should plan what will be different for next year. 
  • Start (and organize!) a new physical calendar. If you still use a paper calendar, grab yours now. I use a paper calendar; I set mine up last week. 
  • Schedule your vacations. Actually put it on the calendar, ask for the time off, tell your people and make it happen! 
  • Change passwords, even if you don’t have to.

Schedule your checkups. If you don’t already do this as one of your birthday routines, then now is the second-best time to schedule appointments with your physician, eye doctor, gyn and dentist.

Take time for you as the year comes to a close. Plan things that make you happy. Having an organized schedule of things to do, whether organizing your home or managing a business, makes for a great end and start to the New Year. Taking care of your personal wellness is the most important of all! 

In January 2021, I launched NEAT. What a great year it’s been. As our one year anniversary approaches, I’m planning and reflecting on what I can do bigger, better and all things organized.

Thank you for following NEAT. 

Thank you for supporting me on this organizing journey. 

Thank you for your kind words.

Thank you for hiring me.

Thank you for referring me to others. 

Thank you for believing in my dream. 

Thank you for everything! 

Merry Christmas and Happy 2022!⭐

