An organized life IS possible

An organized life is possible, even if you only feel like you’re making a little progress at a time. Some of us have a brain that works in ways that make these skills more difficult to learn and practice. At times, we can be in life situations that make it difficult to implement systems for a successful organization. But even with those challenges, we can do little things every day to find inner calm and outer order.

Being organized is really important in a fast-paced life when we have no time to deal with clutter. Whether it’s physical or emotional clutter, it tends to make you frustrated and can even cause sadness and depression. It’s difficult to make dramatic changes when we’ve spent a long time in an unorganized mess. That’s why I believe it’s SO important to do these things:

  • Let go of our old ideas of what MUST be done every day.
  • Determine and prioritize our important things — even if it’s just ONE thing per day like an extra 10 minutes of decluttering our own space OR an activity to improve our family life.
  • Build daily routines and habits that are simple and adaptable.
  • Recognize that getting organized is a lengthy process — and that is TOTALLY NORMAL.
  • Take time 30 minutes a day for 30 days to organize and watch how the clutter begins to lift.

Happy July. I hope you have a fantastic month and get your clutter, uncluttered.
